Thought I'd do a blog just to place a bit of evidence on the net at how ridiculous the times have got... So yea, I got told by a company the other day I was to over qualified and by another that I wasn't qualified enough for the same type of role. HMMM?!!!
I also am kind of fed up of receiving emails with phrases such as...
'we regret to inform you that due to the excess amount of applications' ... and some even asking for money and promising a well paid job after, erm no?!
So yesterday I applied for 19 jobs.
here is one I can allow you to follow me on as I will have access via computer to all of the recruitment stages. (If I get anywhere)
The first was a role at LuluGuinness, I didn't know it was that company until I looked in to it, All I did was search sales, administration, retail. how good would it be to get a job at LuluGuinness! here is the email I sent attatching my CV.
Please find my CV attached in regards to the above position.
I have experience within an HR adminstrative retail environment but am now looking for a more front of house type of role, If you also know of any other positions that may be better suited to me then please let me know as I am very interested in working for your company.
Many thanks for your time and consideration, I am sure this is one of a hundred of applications!
Luiza Sneath
not heard anything back yet... but yes, I did this for over 10 companies, 19 to be exact and that was just yesterday.
Let's see who gets back to me. If I don't hear anything by Thursday/Friday I will start chasing...
HOPEFULLY I won't hear those all to easy to say sayings....
Lulu x